COVID Statement
The worldwide situation is evolving and at Face of Medical we have been taking all the necessary precautions to protect our clients and our team. At Face of Medical, the health and safety of our clients and of our team is of the upmost priority. We continue to maintain stringent hygiene protocols and have implemented additional health and safety measures in line with the recommendations from Government Health Officials. We are abiding by the state guidelines in order to remain a COVID free space.
Following the recent announcements from the NSW Government, masks must be worn at all times during your visit, with the exemption of when mask removal is required for your treatment. Our team will too be wearing masks and will continue to operate under the strictest health and safety protocols.
To learn more, please visit the NSW Government COVID-19 fact page.
Clients must wear a mask to their appointment as a mandatory requirement.
Clients that do not comply with the mandatory safety requirements may be refused entry or be asked to reschedule.
The following are mandatory requirements for your visit:
- Providing accurate and up to-date-contact details for your client file
- Complete our COVID-19 questionnaire on arrival via QR code
- Wear a mask where required by law, medical exemptions may apply
- Rescheduling your appointment and staying home if you are showing any symptoms or signs of illness
Next Level Clinic have implemented stringent hygiene protocols within our clinic to ensure the wellbeing of staff and clients, and we ask that you perform the same level of sanitation to assist us in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Upon arrival you will be required to check into our facility via a QR code link. Clients will be required to always maintain a safe distance from others. We appreciate your cooperation as we work to reduce coronavirus related risks.
We ask that you reschedule your appointment if you have experienced any of the following:
- You have any symptoms of fever, shortness of breath, cough, or sore throat
- You have travelled in the past 14 days
- You have been in direct contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days
- You have visited hotspots within the past 14 days or otherwise possibly exposed
If you have any queries regarding our health and safety regulations feel free to contact us!

like A tattoo removal QUOTE?
Gents, we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving your desired results. To tailor a package to suit you, simply submit a photo of the tattoo you wish to remove via our online quote request.